Welcome to the Prison Life Version Three (PLV3) Archives! PLV3 is owned and operated by Coco's Entertainment, led by Iowcarpet and BigBlueChips. This is a general summary of our guidelines, and rules can be found below. The PLV3 Archives are governed by the CLAR guidelines. For information relating to privacy and how your data is used, please visit the CLAR Privacy Statement.
You can help expand our archives by creating an account through here and help make edits and articles for the community. Please note that the Archive Rules and policies apply when making an account and edits throughout this archives. All posts are to be approved before accepted formally as an edit or post
Your Archives Account
As a user on our archives page, your account and the content posted within that account is your responsibility. Site moderators reserve the right to penalize your account if you're found violating our guidelines. As a general reminder, if you say something that other users might not like, just keep it to yourself.
Your Archives Banner, Profile & Username
As a part of the archives, users are allowed to customize their banner and profile image. However, users are restricted on creating and posting inappropriate, sexual, or harmful content.
You may have a banner on the archive. The archives cannot reference anything which violates the guidelines and must be suitable for all users. If we see anything inappropriate, we will remove this feature for all users.
Your profile can be anything that is not against the rules. If users abuse this, we will make your Roblox profile the default profile for all users.
Your username on this forum will be your Roblox account. You will not be allowed to change your forum username and must be verified with your Roblox account.
Do not spam
Your replies, comments, and responses must have relevance to PLV3 or topics related to Coco's Lair. They must be thoughtful and have meaning behind what you wrote. If something is seen as off-topic, irrelevant, or posted over and over again; this is classified as spam. If you're replying to someone's post, do not say "First!" or anything which can be disruptive.
Before creating a new topic, or asking a new question, consider using the search function to see whether it has already been addressed. If it has, you may submit a request for your writing to be added to the post. Note that if you believe that your topic is related to an existing one but with significant differences, feel free to create a new topic (but make sure to address the difference).
Do not advertise other services
These archives define spam as unsolicited advertisement for goods, services, and/or other websites, or posts with little, or completely unrelated content. Do not spam the archives with links to your site or product, or try to self-promote your website, business or forums, etc.
Spamming also includes sending private messages to a large number of different users.
Do not behave inappropriately
The content that you posted on this forum must be appropriate and not seen as negative to nature. This includes talking about inappropriate conversations which are unrelated to the topic and may disturb other users trying to get answers. You're not permitted to use profanity behavior, especially in a rude and disrespectful way to users and forum employees. If you're found behaving inappropriately, you will be moderated.
No vandalism or plagiarism
We do not tolerate any forms of vandalism or plagiarism. Users who are caught committing vandalism or plagiarism will have their archives account disabled until the content is removed by archives staff. If continued, your account will be permanently suspended.
Making Posts
When making posts, they must be clear and relevant to the discussion being discussed. If a user sees a response unrelated, they can 'flag' the topic to get the attention of archive staff. If our team sees a problem with the post, your post will get hidden or deleted. If you continue to make posts that are inappropriate or violate the CLAR Community Guidelines, your account will be suspended.
Do not post “offensive” posts, links, or images
Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these archives. This includes user pictures. Use common sense while posting, or expanding on posts.
Remain Respectful ("An Open Space For Everyone")
All posts should be professional and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective. We are here to make history, and build on it.
However, you are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them or the quality of this community. It does not matter what title or power you hold in these forums, you are expected to obey this rule.
Asking for Help
The PLV3 Archives was designed to connect users and preserve the history of Coco's Lair, Robloxia Prison and PLV3. If you need assistance, you may ask it on the archives, but certain support is prohibited on the archives, such as:
- You may not ask for assistance on bans, appeals, or strikes. If your account was banned from the Community Discord or Robloxia Prison, there's not much we can do on the archives. The team is unable to assist you on the forum with moderation issues.
- You may not discuss Roblox or Discord bans. We cannot unban your Roblox or Discord accounts from the website. You'll need to contact Roblox and Discord Customer Service for those inquiries.